Martin Alan Kazlev Exposed

Exposing Martin Alan Kazlev, webmaster for, the biased Anti-Sathya-Sai-Baba sympathizer.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Alan Kazlev's Fake Identity

Exposing Martin Alan Kazlev, webmaster for, the biased Anti-Sathya-Sai-Baba sympathizer.

Although I blogged about this before, I think this subject deserves it's own article.

We do not know if M.Alan Kazlev is truly being forthcoming about his identity. After all, Kazlev admitted that he changed his name twice, going from "Martin Levin" to "Martin Katz" to "M. Alan Kazlev" (Reference).

Furthermore, Kazlev does not provide his full real name, full address or full phone number on his site. This must mean (using the standards employed against me by Robert Priddy and Anti-Sai Activists) that Kazlev is not who he claims he is and is using a fake identity.

Too bad Kazlev cannot live up to the same standards he defends Anti-Sai Activists for using against me. Anti-Sai Activists have not demanded that Kazlev supply them with the same contact details they demand from me. Therefore, Anti-Sai Activists themselves have made the case that Alan Kazlev is using a fake identity and is not who he claims he is.

See the problem, Kazlev?

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